Reception - A

Welcome to Amazing As!  


Welcome to Reception Amazing As! My name is Mrs Ash and I will be teaching Reception this year.



This term we have been focusing on a topic called ‘On the move’.  We will be talking about changes and expectations to aid our transition into Year One. We will be talking about different modes of transport and healthy travel choices.  We will have opportunities to explore different countries and locations and create imaginative play experiences about holidays and travel.



We have recently started our rainbow challenges where children need to complete seven challenges throughout the week during their choosing time.  These challenges each reflect a different area of learning.  When one challenge has been completed the children collect a coloured lollipop stick until they have all colours of the rainbow.  This will continue in Summer B, providing focuses for children so that they have the opportunity to be engaged in tasks that support our learning.


Please feel free to come and speak to me throughout the year should you have any questions, queries or concerns.



Summer B


‘On the move’


Our topic this half term will focus on learning about different countries to travel to, different types of transport and ways of moving around and moving up to Year One.

During the topic we will be:

  • Revising difficult phonics sounds and learning alternative spellings.
  • Practising where our letters sit when writing and cursive formation.
  • Learning about position and direction.  We will be continuing with addition and subtraction.
  • Playing racing games and team games for P.E.  This may be indoors or outdoors.
  • Focusing on behaviour and friendship and giving opportunities to explore and extend these ideas through play.
  • Using our talking toy in circle time activities, working with talking partners on the carpet and show and tell sessions.
  • Learning to use tools safely and create models related to our topic.
  • Completing computer programmes on the Smartboard and iPads.