Year 3 – D

Welcome to Year 3. We Are the ‘Determined D’s. I am Mrs Kennedy and I am the class teacher.


I cannot believe that we have so quickly fallen into the final half term of Year 3! We have loads of engaging learning opportunities coming up over the last 7 weeks! We have the ‘Gentlemen in School’ morning, the KS2 camping trip, the ‘Life in Ancient Egypt’ day, the school fair, and sports day. Phew!  


Summer B


Our topic this half term is ‘Walk like an Egyptian’. We will be investigating Ancient Egypt and what life was like back then.  

Some learning experiences will include:


  • Topic – ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ we will be investigating mummies; Tutankhamun; and even how to write like an Egyptian!
  • English – we will be investigating fiction stories from other cultures and Non-fiction writing. 
  • Maths – we will be learning about statistics, geometry – shapes & properties and position & direction.
  • Science – We will be learning about Humans and other animals.