
Starting at Cromwell Academy

Our Admissions Procedures

Our catchment area currently includes the immediate residential area known as “Hinchingbrooke Park” but can fluctuate dependent on annual demand for places.

For all our admissions we follow the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code and Cambridgeshire County Council policy and criteria for admissions to primary schools including academies. Full details are available from the Academy Office.

In common with Cambridgeshire Schools we have a policy of ‘early admission’. This means that we offer a place in our Reception Class at the start of the academic year in which a child attains the age of five. Parents/carers should note that they are not legally obliged to send their children to school until the term after their fifth birthday.

As an Academy we would like all the Reception children to start full time in the Autumn Term, providing parents/carers and staff agree that this is appropriate for them.

During the summer term we invite new parents/carers to a meeting where we introduce our school and ourselves. Further details about admission will be discussed at this information evening for Reception parents/carers.

Reception Class and Year 7 places and in-year transfers for all schools in the county are co-ordinated by Cambridgeshire County Council’s Admissions Team
(Box No ELH 1505, Castle Court, Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3 0AP
Tel: 03450 451370. 
Apply for a school place

Parents/carers should apply for places direct with the Cambridgeshire County Council in the Autumn Term of the year before their child is due to start school via an on-line application.

First Steps Primary 2017 - 2018

Children moving from other schools are sensitively introduced to our systems. Parents/carers moving into the area are encouraged to come and look around the academy.

At the age of 11, children transfer to their Secondary School, which for nearly all our children who live in our catchment, will be Hinchingbrooke Academy. We maintain close links with Hinchingbrooke Academy, with discussions held between staff prior to the children’s transfer. The children also spend a day at Hinchingbrooke Academy, or their chosen school, to begin their acclimatisation. There are also opportunities for parents/carers to meet the staff at Hinchingbrooke Academy and visit there. We recognise that this transfer is seen as a big step by most of the children, so it is our policy to prepare and support them as far as we are able.

See Our Admissions and New Arrivals Policies here