Year 2 - A

Welcome to Year 2. We Are the ‘Ambitious A’s’. I am Miss Harrison and I am the class teacher.


As our time in Year 2 draws to a close, let’s reflect with pride upon the amazing year we have had. What’s been your favourite learning this year? What’s something you’ve achieved this year that you never thought you would? Whatever your answer is to these questions, just know that as your class teacher, I am immensely proud of you!


Back in September, together we set out our goals for a successful year together and now we move into our final half term, it is fair to say that we haven’t just achieved them, we’ve absolutely smashed them! We have worked together and supported one another throughout the year. We’ve made new friends, overcome challenges, developed our independence and most importantly been a credit to our school.


So as we head closer to the (much-deserved) summer holidays, I know you will continue to apply 100% effort to all of your learning and together we can enjoy a fantastic final 7 weeks as Miss Harrison’s Year 2 class.


On your marks, get set, GO!


Summer B




Our topic this half term will be based on the acronym MRS GREN and will focus on the 7 life processes.

We will be:

  • Looking at how animals were used for different jobs in the past to how they are used nowadays.
  • Learning about how animals are used differently in different countries around the world.
  • Learning about how artwork can be inspired by nature and using this to create clay sculptures and make observational drawings.
  • Looking at how animals are seen as significant in different world religions.
  • Writing a range of genres including stories, letters and information texts.
  • Learning about time, measurement and problem solving.
  • Using Scratch in computing to develop our programming skills.
  • Learning about what plants need to grow, exploring the life cycle of a plant and comparing the growth of bulbs and seeds.
  • Completing various transition activities to get us ready to move to our next year group.