Family Inclusion

Hopefully you will find some of this information helpful.  I have put together a small collection of organisations that may help you and your family as well as a list of Facts and Jargon Busters that I hope will help dispel some of the myths and confusing things you may hear throughout your child’s time with us.

Support and Counselling

MEND – this is a useful website if you are worried about your child’s weight and are keen to learn about healthy lifestyles.  MEND often run groups locally that help educate children about healthy eating.

RELATE –  information regarding couples and family counselling, life skills courses and much more, go to their website relatecambridge or call 01223 357 424 for more information. 

Freedomprogramme –  this website contains information for people who want to learn more about domestic violence and abuse.  Also give details of courses available.

CRUSE – take a look at this website for information on bereavement support, alternatively you can call them on 01223 302 662.

Talktostars – this website supplies information for  supporting children who have experienced the death of a person who was important to them, you can call them on 01223 863 511.  Counselling can be arranged.

Online Safety

Kidsmart – take a look at this website and learn about the internet and being a safe surfer.

Go to Doug’s Safe Surfing  – this Disney website provides more information about safe surfing.

cbbc stay safe –  children can test their internet safety knowledge with familiar

Grid Club – aimed at 5 – 12 year olds, Grid Club uses learning games and covers many aspects of the school curriculum.

Out Alone – part of the NSPCC website and provides advice and practical tips to parents/carers when preparing children for independence and being out and about on their own.

Thinkuknow – more guidance on internet safety and safe surfing, including  blogs, chatting and online gaming.

Please also note I am the Designated Person for Child Protection at Cromwell Academy.  You can speak with me regarding any concerns you have about children who attend our school.  All conversations will be held in complete confidence and shared with other staff on a need to know basis. 

Any information you share may be passed on to others if a child is at risk.

If  I am not available please speak with the Acting Headteacher.

Kind regards

Kim Lague
Family Liaison & Inclusion Officer