Year 4 - E

Year 4


Welcome back to Year 4’s final half term! And what a jam-packed, fun-filled, learning-laden seven weeks it will be! We have the ‘Gentlemen in School’ morning; the KS2 camping trip; the ‘Life in Ancient Egypt’ day; AND our class assembly to look forward to (not to mention the school fair and sports day) Phew!  The children have delighted us with their continued efforts to be the best they can be and we are very much looking forward to supporting them in preparing for their transition into UKS2.


For your information, we are still continuing with the previous arrangement whereby Mrs Yarnell will be teaching the class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Mrs Jones will again complete the week.


Please feel free to come and ask either of us any questions or discuss any concerns. 


Summer B


Our topic this half term is ‘Walk like an Egyptian’. We will be investigating Ancient Egypt and what life was like back then.  

Some learning experiences will include:


  • Topic – ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ we will be investigating mummies; Tutankhamun; and even how to write like an Egyptian!
  • English – we will be investigating fiction stories from other cultures and Non-fiction writing. 
  • Maths – we will be learning about statistics, geometry – shapes & properties and position & direction.
  • Science – we will be learning about ‘Sound’. The children will learn about how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel, as well as how sounds can change pitch and loudness. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it.